An honest look at what it is really like for a young person starting their journey into employment?

From October to March 2021, a group of 20 young people in Reading created a documentary giving an insight into the challenges they face on their journey into education and employment.

Through a series of interviews, these young people shared their struggles with gaining access to vital work experience they require in order to apply for jobs. The documentary explores discussions around how at the height of lockdown, many young people found themselves battling with loneliness and other mental health issues, such as anxiety and depression, as a direct result of not being able to leave the house or to socialise.

Working with Starting Point and Real Time video, these young people were able to learn new skills to showcase on their CV, such as team work, communication and presentation skills. The support provided by these organisations also allowed these young people to learn more about themselves, specifically how their hobbies and interests provide them with already such valuable transferable skills deemed to be desirable by employers.

The documentary highlights the importance of how one to one mentoring has been crucial for allowing young people to find the confidence to actively seek work, and to ultimately find success and happiness in something they enjoy, whether that be in an internship, a full-time job, or vocational course.

We are pleased to announce that our Untold Stories documentary came second in the StoryAp 2021 awards [a Europe wide video initiative]. Read more here.