Mind The Gap project.
A varied project looking at post-pandemic life for young people.
Exploring how the COVID pandemic affected different areas of life, we initially focused on technology as an area to explore.
The Action Media crew then created some quick digital stories – using found images online to back-up/add to the story/experience they wanted to tell.
After looking at technology, we then decided to focus our research on three other areas – Health and Wellbeing; Arts and Culture; The Environment.
We interviewed local practitioners, finding out more about what they do and how young people could benefit from engaging with their organisations and offerings.
We also created a brand for the project as a whole, created some icons, social media graphics and posters and have uploaded it all over on a project hub page.
To watch the interviews, digital stories and see the related graphics, visit the Mind The Gap project hub here: actionmedia.uk/mtg
Behind the scenes photos.